
Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine

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The beauty of Ukraine is fascinating. In 2008, according to the results of the survey,7 Natural Wonders of Ukraine were named. The list includes the most unique places of our wonderful country determined by online and experts’ voting.

We would like to bring to your attention the list of these unmatched places.

1. Askania-Nova (A Biosphere Reserve, Kherson Oblast)

The virgin steppe Askania Nova is the only steppe in Europe never touched by a plow. It has great scientific, cultural, educational, and practical value. Many species of animals,exotic to Ukraine, are cultivated on the territory of the reserve. They includeTurkmeniankulans, Cape buffalos, bisons, and Przewalski’s horses, among others.


2. Granite-Steppe Lands of Buh (Regional Landscape Park, Mykolaiv Oblast)

The Southern Bug River, together with its valley, is considered one of the most unique natural places of Ukraine. The most impressive is the territory that covers the northern outskirts of Kinetspil village and the city of Voznesensk. The riversMertvovodand Arbuzynka, which are tributaries of the Southern Bug, created here the unique and picturesque canyon.


3. The Dniester River Canyon (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi Oblast)

The second longest river in Ukraine,the Dniester, creates a unique work of art. Near it, the mountains come close to the river forming a canyon, through the channel of which the river flows. In some particular places,the streams flow down the steep bank right into the river, turning into picturesque waterfalls. Separate parts of the rocks resemble Swiss cheeseas they are full of entrances to caves and grottos. On the river banks, in the surrounding villages,one can find cultural landmarks of different peoples that once inhabited the Dniester valley (churches, monasteries, palaces, ruins of the castles and fortresses). For example, the monks used some of the cavesas rock monasteries, dwelling places or divine services.

4. The Marble Cave (Crimea)

The Marble Cave is located on the plateau of Chatyr-Dag, a mountainous massif in Crimea. Visible from various distances, the picturesque silhouette of Chatyr-Dag is a symbol of the peninsula. The extension of the explored passages of the cave is 2050 meters, and its depth is 60 meters. The uniqueness of the Marble Cave brought it an international fame. According to the estimates of famous cave explorers, it belongs to the five most beautifully equipped caves on the planet.


5. Tovtry of Podillya (National Natural Park, Khmelnytskyi Oblast)

Tovtry are the remains of coastal reefs extended along the ancient shoreline. There are no analogues to Tovtry anywhere in the world. Tovtry hills are rich in karst formations and caves. The views of Tovtry landscape will take your breath away. You can alsoenjoyparagliding there.


6.  Lake Svytyaz (Volyn Oblast)

The Lake Svytyaz is the largest and the deepest natural lake in Ukraine. The lake resembles the sea when in windy weather its wavesreach up to one and a half meters in height.

7.  Lake Synevyr (Transkarpathian Oblast)

Another natural wonder of Ukraine is the largest lake in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains, Synevyr, which appeared about 10 000 years ago at the height of 989 meters above sea level. It is considered one of the most captivating landmarks of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains.